Mission statement
Our vision is for all autistic people to have opportunity in work and fulfilment in life
Our mission is to support autistic people to have fulfilling and productive working relationships in inclusive and positive environments. We do this by:
- Enabling autistic people to find and be successful in suitable work
- Encouraging providers of work to employ autistic people and recognise the benefits they can bring to the workplace
Our values are:
- Inclusivity – we recognise strength in diversity and will strive to champion this principle in all our activities
- Impact – we will clearly define our intended outcomes, deliver results to benefit our user community and evaluate our impact
- Responsiveness – we will elicit, respect and respond to the views of our user community
- Rigour – we will ensure that all original information we provide is based on the best available evidence, as guided by panels of relevant scientists and employment specialists, and as validated by our stakeholders and intended users
- Independence – we will pursue our mission objectively and transparently on behalf of our user community
Our approach is to provide evidence based practical guidance on all aspects of autism and the workplace drawing where appropriate on validated academic research, verifiable good practice, and relevant legal obligations.
Our strategic imperative is to improve outcomes from work for autistic people. The key priorities are:
- helping more autistic people enter meaningful work: whether employment, internships, voluntary or otherwise;
- helping more autistic people succeed in their workplace and realise the personal fulfilment that meaningful work can bring;
- building confidence and raising awareness amongst employers of the benefit of employing autistic people, and that good practice for supporting autistic employees benefits all employees;
- supporting employers to identify those roles that the strengths of autistic people make them particularly suited to;
- supporting employers to adjust their workplace so that autistic individuals can succeed in their work;
- providing evidence based methods, approaches and tools for improving employment outcomes.