Induction to work

It is good practice for your employer to prepare for your arrival and integration into the job and the workforce. Ask at your interview if the company does an induction.

Not all workplaces have a formal induction process, but you can ask for an induction as a reasonable adjustment

What you need to know at each stage varies. More complicated roles with many different relationships, or jobs within large organisations may require more structured inductions. It’s good to have a written plan to support your first few weeks. This should be provided by the organisation ideally before you start work, but usually on your first day.

Your induction could be delivered to you by your manager, colleagues in different parts of the organisation at a welcome day, or online, using an ‘onboarding’ game or app. It will depend on the size of the organisation and the number of people joining at one time

You may have to interact with a lot of people in the induction process which you might find challenging – if so, ask to work out a reasonable adjustment with your manager or supervisor

Induction can last up to 12 months depending on the job and probation processes. An induction could include:

General Information (These are usually delivered face to face in the first couple of days)

  • Emergency procedures, such as what to do in case of fire
  • Where you will be working
  • Your work hours, timings of meal breaks (although these may be different during your induction)
  • Where to find the toilets
  • Arrangements for food and drink, transport and parking
  • Smoking areas and policy
  • Organisational structure (who’s who – names, roles and responsibilities)
  • Dress codes
  • Site layout, location and offices
  • Where to find stationery and work supplies
  • Security and issuing your staff pass and keys
  • Important company health and safety procedures

Company Information: (Usually delivered in writing or online – you can ask to read these through at home in advance)

  • Overview of organisational history and background
  • Company mission statement, ethics and philosophy
  • Brand awareness, market and competitor overview

Employment policies and procedures: (You may get these in writing to read though or a link to where to find it on the company IT system)

  • Absenteeism, lateness, holidays and sickness
  • Employment Benefits, including Employee Assistance Programme if one is offered
  • Trades union membership
  • Pay procedures, expenses, awards and incentives
  • Grievance and discipline
  • Staff management, probation, appraisals and mentoring
  • Safe working, use of tools and personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • IT, data protection and communications – including rules on use of social media at work (personally and professionally)

Job specific induction: (usually in the first week or month)

  • Purpose of the job and job flow. What needs to be done by when and for whom?
  • Introduction to tools, equipment, systems and technology needed to do the job including computers, phones, email, key programmes and apps
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) needed for the job and how to use it appropriately.
  • Introduction to other team members, line management and HR for payroll, staff handbook.
  • Training – role specific, mandatory training (e.g. Health and Safety), technology, software and systems
  • Where to go to, who to call and who to ask for help
  • How your performance will be monitored, and feedback provided
  • Visits to colleagues based in other locations and ‘hands on’ experiences
  • Visits to clients / suppliers or other stakeholders