Preparing a Curriculum Vitae (CV) and cover letter

Here are some things to consider if a job advert asks you to send your CV (or Resume) and a cover letter, or if you are sending in a speculative application.

A good CV and covering letter can get you an interview and help you get the job, a bad one may get your application thrown out

There are a few simple rules to follow, but if you are applying for a creative role, then it may be appropriate to disregard some of these rules if appropriate in order to show off your creativity. Take care to follow the instructions you are given – if they ask for samples of your work, a film of you talking about your achievements, or other proof of your skill, then make sure you provide them!

What should be included in your CV?

Remember that a prospective employer will look at your social media accounts if you have them, so make sure that that they don’t contain anything that might put them off!