Probation, supervision and performance reviews
You could meet in person, over the phone or video call. In a lot of organisations, this is done monthly, but as an autistic person, you may find it helpful to speak to your line manager or a mentor much more frequently than that to make sure you are getting the support you need, clarify expectations or to talk through situations as they come up in your workplace. This can be a reasonable adjustment.
During probation
When you are given a job, it is usually conditional on you completing a trial or probation period. For most jobs this is between 1 and 6 months and is often the period covered by your induction if you have one. It is a time for you and your employer to be sure that you are trained and supported to do the job.
Your employer may extend your probation in exceptional circumstances, such as a period of absence of the employee or line manager. At the end of that period, you will be informed whether you are confirmed in post.
If you are not going to be confirmed in post you should be invited in writing to meet with your employer – you should take a trusted colleague or union representative with you to that meeting which is your opportunity to understand what has happened and why, and to give your views
If it is decided that your employment is to be terminated, you should still be given at least 1 weeks’ notice.
If you decide you want to leave either at the end of or at any time during your probation period, you must also give at least 1 weeks’ notice in writing. Unless you are informed otherwise, you are confirmed in post.
One to one meetings, supervision and performance management
One to one meetings with m