Reasonable adjustments for interviews and assessments

Reasonable adjustments are available to those with autism and other conditions to help overcome any challenges that the recruitment process might cause you.

If you are concerned that your autism in some way makes it difficult for you to perform at your best in any part of the recruitment process, you should ask for a reasonable adjustment

Good employment practice is for employers to ask you if you need any reasonable adjustments for any part of the application process, but this does not always happen. This is often because employers don’t know they should offer to make adjustments, rather than any attempt to avoid making them. If it helps, you can refer the company to employer information about reasonable adjustments in our section for employers.

You can ask for reasonable adjustments even if they are not offered to you, but you may have to declare that you have a disability. There is more about telling an employer that you are autistic in our section on applying for work. Your objective is to make the process accessible for you and your personal needs.

The adjustment should be tailored around you, so you need to be ready to talk about what you need