Sickness and mental health

If you are employed, you will probably be paid while off sick, although not necessarily the same way as when you’re at work. Your employer may have more generous terms and additional support to that detailed below, which is the minimum legal level. Sometimes sick pay isn’t offered during probation periods.

If you are not working, check out the tips on looking after yourself if you are not in work.

What to do if you are unwell

Most people get sick sometimes. If you are an employee, you should contact your line manager as soon as you know you are too ill to work. Normally, this will be by phone, but your workplace may have another arrangement.

If you are autistic, using a phone to contact someone you don’t know may not be possible for you – you can ask for an alternative way of contacting your employer, such as an email or text to your line manager as a reasonable adjustment

Some organisations ask you to contact a helpline to record your absence. They can ask you what is wrong and even suggest treatment, but you do not have to give them any personal information. Most people don’t want to know any more about your illness than to confirm that you are genuinely sick and when you will be back to work. Don’t forget to tell them about any work which has to be done whilst you are away.

  • If you are sick for less than 7 days, you do not have to give your employer any proof of your sickness, although you may have to complete a form. This is called ‘self-certification’.
  • If you are sick for more than 7 days in a row (including non-working days such as weekends), you have to give your employer a ‘fit note’ (sometimes called a sick note) from your GP or a hospital doctor. It will explain any changes, such as reduced hours or different tasks, that you will need to do on your return in order to be fit enough to return to work. The employer MUST make these changes if you are disabled.<