The job search process

The jobsearch process is complicated because it varies depending upon you, the role you want to perform, and the company who has a vacancy

Broadly, the jobsearch process can be summarised as follows but will vary depending on the role, organisation and industry:

  • Understanding yourself: Recognise your own skills, experience and motivations
  • Think about what you want to do: Decide what type of work you’d like to do and for what type of organisation
  • Jobsearch: Find organisations with suitable openings or opportunities for people with your skills and experience
  • Job application: Express your interest in the role and secure employer interest in your skills and experience
  • Interview or selection: Meet the employer and through a combination of interview and or assessment activities prove your suitability for the role
  • Offer and induction: Agree an employment contract and plan to start work

You are unlikely to be the only person interested an a particular job