Workplace coaching for autistic people

What does work-place coaching for Autistic people look like?

Back in 2014, in my first academic job as a researcher, my work computer got updated to Windows 7. With this update, I lost several accessibility features, the most important being able to change the background colour of the Microsoft applications from a harsh white to the aqua blue shade that helped me with reading. I asked IT repeatedly for help for almost six months but didn’t get any. I also worked in an office with two other researchers, and there were frequent phone calls and virtual meetings happening around me.

At this point, I still only had a diagnosis of Dyslexia. I tried and tried to get my work done, doing more and more in the evenings, until eventually my brain gave up and I literally could not make out the shape of letters on a page or screen and could not read at all after a very short time of looking at a book or screen. As someone who got paid to read and write, this was incredibly stressful. I took two weeks off sick and somebody must have recommended I contact Access to Work, but I can’t remember who.

Despite my PhD in disability and welfare, I wasn’t aware of the government support for Disabled people in work

On my return to work, when my boyfriend (now husband) fixed my computer, as IT still wouldn’t help me, I got moved into an office by myself which was bliss; I had the silence needed to be able to think. I also had my Access to Work assessment. I think the assessor may have been an educational psychologist by background, regardless sh